Endless Summer F6 at 17614 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach, FL 32413 is still available. There was an error in the address so the MLS wasn’t populating the listing. HOA’s are $800 per quarter and taxes were $844.04 for 2015. I am not aware of any new listings coming on the market in Endless Summer.
Let me know if you need additional information. You may request a showing here.
Warmest regards,
Dawn Dunlap, Broker
PROperty Connections Boutique
Is this property sold 17614 6f Front Beach Rd Endless Summer? Do you know of any other property coming up for sale in Endless Summer Complex?
Hi Paul,
Endless Summer F6 at 17614 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach, FL 32413 is still available. There was an error in the address so the MLS wasn’t populating the listing. HOA’s are $800 per quarter and taxes were $844.04 for 2015. I am not aware of any new listings coming on the market in Endless Summer.
Let me know if you need additional information. You may request a showing here.
Warmest regards,
Dawn Dunlap, Broker
PROperty Connections Boutique